My Fitness Philosophy

My aim is to deliver outstanding results and promote positive lifestyle changes, whether your goals be Fat Loss, Strength & Conditioning or Sports Specific Performance whilst providing you with an experience that is professional and enjoyable utilising the stunning landscapes of Hampstead Heath and Primrose Hill, both of which have dedicated outdoor training facilities as well as using their beautiful natural features. (Exercising among trees and wildlife has many mental and physical benefits)

I can also provide a bespoke service in in the comfort and privacy of your own home gym/garden.

No part of your personal journey is left to chance with a scientific approach encompassing the methods of the American College Of Sports Medicine (the global authority in exercise science). I want you to feel that you have all the support you need to achieve your goals and I believe in building a strong relationship with you, closely monitoring and tailoring every aspect of your time with me, from initial assessments and programme setting to regular monitoring and re-assessment. I use a range of training techniques, chosen because they deliver specific, measurable results for you to reach your goals.

I use a lot of functional movements adapted within the HIIT (high intensity interval training) philosophy. The latest research shows that functional strength training not only improves movement patterns and posture, but also increases lean muscle mass, which results in an increased resting metabolic rate, meaning your body needs more energy to just exist and function. With the HIIT principles for the ‘after burn’ fat burning effect and combined with good nutrition, this will always lead to achieving fat loss goals quicker.

You can and should expect dynamic, challenging and motivating workouts designed to get the best out of you and your body. Your training programme will be constantly adapted to ensure your body is responding in the most positive way to its challenges – this is key to continued improvement and delivering the best physical results.

One of the tools I use is a heart rate monitor. I encourage all my clients to wear one, as this allows me to map out a number of heart rate zones specific to the individual. For example, the maximum fat burning zone, VO2 or lung capacity improvement zone and their maximum ‘after burn’ training zone which helps speed up the metabolism and continue burning fat up to 8 hours after finishing your session.

Body composition tracking is another tool I use to track your body fat percentage reduction and your lean muscle mass improvement, leading to a lean strong healthy body which will not only look great but will have the ability to perform at a much higher level on a daily basis.


With realistic advice, based on your personality, tastes and lifestyle, I will encourage you to make the right dietary decisions on a daily basis to maximise your training results and improve your nutrition for the rest of your life – no temporary diets, just healthy, tasty, wholesome choices which I can track and monitor via an application on your smartphone.


I utilise the SMART goal system – which means your goals are:


Learn more about the SMART goal system here.